Tamba Kellie Esq., (Pioneer Director-General of the Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission)

Rahila Thomas, Country Director- Energy Markets and Regulatory Consultants

Wayne Omonuwa, Principal Consultant- Wayne Energy Consult

Denzel Hankinson, CEO- DHInfrastructure

Ifechukwude Uwajeh- GreenMax Capital Advisors

United Kingdom Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (UKNIAF)

Oneal Lajuwonmi- Wavelength Integrated Power Solutions
“Ivie Ehanmo is an excellent problem solver and communicator who performed and recorded outstanding deliverables with the competence and professionalism most needed at the Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission where I was the first substantive holder of the position of Director-General of the Commission.
She was among the consultants engaged as part of the Threshold Programme for Sierra Leone between the government of Sierra Leone and the Millennium Challenge Corporation of the United States, to assist with the Regulatory Strengthening and Tariff Development Support Project which amongst other facets involved a diagnostic review and strategic implementation of the Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission Act, 2011. Ivie was engaged to critically support the development of the instruments for electricity and water regulation, including licensing procedures/agreements for service providers including new entrants, economic regulation policies and procedures, technical regulation, service quality regulation, stakeholder engagements, etc.
Working closely with Ivie, I found her to be very efficient and always ready to go the extra mile, exceeding the expectations of her terms of reference for the attainment of excellent service delivery. I found her to be an intelligent, committed, and inquisitive individual, and an invaluable asset to the Commission. Today, the fact that the Commission can function despite some lingering external challenges is due primarily to the assistance rendered by Ivie and her team and we shall always be grateful to them. I have returned to private legal practice, with a focus on energy, and the ideas I inherited from her continue to be very helpful in my new life.
I am proud to be affiliated with Electricity Lawyer and the entire team of experts”.
— Tamba Kellie Esq., (Pioneer Director-General of the Sierra Leone Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission)
“Ivie Ehanmo is undoubtedly one of the best legal and regulatory experts in the electricity industry in Nigeria and she is well versed with the dynamics of power markets across Africa. At EMRC, she brings to the fore outstanding strategic performance delivery beyond her legal and regulatory expertise with an excellent bouquet of knowledge across the technical, financial, and commercial activities in the power value chain. Ivie tactfully puts together and delivers top notch deliverables in a timely fashion. I have no doubt that she is well equipped to make valuable contribution to closing the energy access gap across Africa, given the exceptional Electricity Lawyer initiative. This is bound to positively alter the investment landscape of power markets across Sub-Saharan Africa. Ivie’s knowledge and experience in the industry places her at a vantage position to pointedly impact development in the electricity sector on a local, national, regional, and global level as a passionate and avid contributor in the electricity industry across Africa. Electricity Lawyer is well positioned, driven, and experienced to impact the legal and regulatory environment of African power markets for improved energy access across the region”.
EMRC is proud to be affiliated with Electricity Lawyer and its team of experts.
— Rahila Thomas, Country Director- Energy Markets and Regulatory Consultants
“Ivie Ehanmo is an intelligent, competent, and dedicated legal and regulatory expert in the electricity industry across Africa. It was no surprise that her passion for the industry and the desire to close the energy access gap across Sub-Saharan Africa, spurred what I consider to be a novel and outstanding initiative- Electricity Lawyer (EL).
Ivie Ehanmo is the ideal leader to drive the attainment of the mission and vision of Electricity Lawyer. She is a multi-disciplinary expert that has and continues to showcase her expertise beyond the legal and regulatory ambit of the value chain, because she has provided critical technical and commercial support on various professional engagements. With an uncanny ability to articulate relatively ingenious and tailored solutions professionally and succinctly, Ivie has and continues to display an awareness of the broader industry interplay. She is an epitome of strength and positive behaviour which are invaluable for a Female Leader with a mix of attributes ranging from professional poise, excellent display of intelligence and service delivery quality, commitment, and dependability, team building and networking, strategic thinking, etc.
Electricity Lawyer is armed to bridge the lacuna particularly from a legal and regulatory standpoint as it relates to African power markets. EL as a global game changer and a ray of hope is positioned to change the face of global investments in power markets across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Wayne Energy Consult is proud to partner with Electricity Lawyer and its team of experts on this life changing journey for African power markets”.
— Wayne Omonuwa, Principal Consultant- Wayne Energy Consult
“Ivie Ehanmo is by far one of the most exceptional legal and regulatory consultants I have worked with in Africa during my 20-year plus career. Ivie and I were both subcontractors on a challenging project in Sierra Leone funded by the US Millennium Challenge Corporation, advising a newly-created multi-sector utility regulator the Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission or EWRC) as they developed key pieces of secondary legislation and internal procedures.
Ivie’s role was integral to moving the project forward and she certainly delivered excellent project management skills. She has an excellent understanding of legal and regulatory issues in the utilities sector and impeccable drafting skills. Ivie is an extremely sharp critical thinker.
Electricity Lawyer (EL) is an ambitious and innovative approach to delivering much-needed information and advice to energy sector policymakers, regulators, investors, and operators on the African continent. I cannot think of any leader better equipped to spearhead EL, as Ivie brings a wealth of diverse international experience, hard core legal expertise and a balanced, easy-going demeanour and nurturing management style. EL is bound to thrive under her leadership and guidance alongside the formidable team.
DHInfrastructure is proud to be affiliated with Electricity Lawyer and its team of experts.”
— Denzel Hankinson, CEO- DHInfrastructure
“Ivie Ehanmo is an expert in energy law whose competencies and skills are particularly prominent in the areas of power sector regulation, energy law, and legal transaction advisory.
Ivie’s work products have always been delivered on schedule and fully meeting our (client) requirements. The value brought by her depth of knowledge and highly competent delivery make her keenly sought after by project developers, DFIs, etc.
Ivie is widely recognised in Nigeria and the sub-region as an authoritative power sector regulation and energy law resource. This is evidenced by her leadership role on assignments in Nigeria and the sub-region.
GreenMax Capital Advisors is proud to be affiliated with Electricity Lawyer and its team of experts”.v
‘Ivie Ehanmo is an outstanding and experienced Legal and Regulatory Expert.
She has a full grasp of the Market Contracting Framework and PPP Procurement Strategies of/for Nigeria and other emerging and transition economies across Africa and beyond, benchmarked against international best practices. ‘Ivie Ehanmo has worked with UKNIAF and helped closed out on a number of high-level Project Task Orders around Legal and Regulatory Policies and Guidelines; and she has always delivered excellent submissions. She has been supportive, hands-on, and very responsive to professional engagements.
UKNIAF and her partners are proud to interact and work with her and will continue to engage her services along with the Electricity Lawyer team’.
‘Ivie Ehanmo is an exceptional Electricity/Energy Lawyer, she has a deep and sound knowledge of the Nigerian Electricity Legal and Regulatory Landscape and Africa in general which makes her top notch in the sector.
Ivie commands authority in the electricity sector, her legal opinions and technical expertise are always sought after as it relates to electricity law and regulatory matters, which positions her as a regular expert at energy conferences and capacity building initiatives.
With all her achievements, Ivie remains humble, passionate about the sector and willing to lend a helping hand to her colleagues in the sector.
Wavelength IPS is proud to be affiliated with the Electricity Lawyer team of experts.’
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