- Power Purchase Agreements
- Vesting Contracts
- Power Sale and Supply Agreements
- Put/Call Option Agreements
- Tripartite Agreements (Inter-Connected Mini-Grid Structures)
- Grid Connection Agreements
- Network Service Agreements
- Grid Interconnection Agreements
- Network Operating Agreements
- ISO Operating Agreements
- Transmission Operating Agreements
- Distribution Use of System Agreements
- Transmission Use of System Agreements
- Project Transmission Line Agreements
- Ancillary Services Agreements
- Market Participation Agreements
- Reliability Must-Run Agreements
- Black Start Agreements
- Interconnector Capacity Entitlement Agreements
- Concession Agreements
- Franchise Agreements
- Joint Development Agreements
- Long Term Service Agreements
- Operations and Maintenance Agreements
- Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contracts
- Gas Sales Agreements
- Gas Transportation Agreements
- Fuel Supply Agreements
- Fuel Transportation Agreements
- Feedstock Supply Agreements
- Funding and Loan Agreements/Security Documents/Hedging Documents
- Shareholder Agreements and Equity Subscription Agreements
- Implementation (Credit Support) Agreements
- Grant Agreements
- Direct Agreements
- Lease Agreements
- Service Contracts, etc.
EL offers template contracts or bespoke tailored contracts to suit the dynamics of your transaction, project or business needs.
Power Sector Contracts available to order include: